Whatanother great day on the water. Tim is a regular client of mine that comes out a few times a month when he is down from New York. He was able to bring his nephew down while he was on spring break. I was hopping to get them on some cobia but the seas were still to ruff for us. Well Kyles biggest fish ever was a small mouth bass. I was pretty sure that we would be able to top that today. I was also going to try to get him on as many different species that I could. I can not remember how many different species he caught but I do know he said that he caught 13 fish today. I am pretty sure that he caught redfish, blackdrum, flounder, bluefish, jacks, sharks,wrase, trout, and ladyfish. I know that his biggest fish now is a redfish and that he lost his biggest fish ever as well. He had on a bull redfish for a little while but the fish was able to break him off in the rocks. Well Tim has not been out with me when the bull redfish were biting yet. So after catching some great fish out in the creeks we decided it was time to get him his largest redfish to date. After Kyle missed his big fish it was Tim's turn at the next one. It wasn't long and Tim's pole was doubled over. It was his biggest redfish to date. It was on a smaller pole so we only got a quick picture and got him back in the water quickly. The fish was somewhere in the mid 30's. Well it was his biggest redfish to date and not to big where I know I will be able to get him a bigger one next time.
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